Our Story
Blooms, Botanicals, Dreams and the Road Less Traveled as Small Farmers: Over a decade-long journey of Wind Haven Farm, cultivating nature's palette and nurturing local communities through sustainably grown cut flowers.
Wind Haven Farm began in Middlesex County, Virginia. It has since moved to it's current location in King William County. In 2024 it is still a small sustainably grown cut flower farm now situated in a field in the middle of the woods. But where did Wind Haven's story begin?
Jenny had just graduated from college, gotten married to Paul, and she wanted to find a way to be creative, make a living, and reside in the country.
After working for some amazing artists and some other odd jobs during a major recession, Jenny was offered a position at Dayspring Farm which is owned by Paul's parents.
Dayspring Farm is primarily a vegetable CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm, but offered their subscribers a flower share where they could get a bouquet of flowers every week with their produce bags.
At Dayspring she learned how to truly grow flowers and the basics of crop planning, seed starting, planting, cultivation, harvesting, and bouquet making.
After a few years of working for them, Charlie and Miriam told her that they were not going to continue growing flowers at Dayspring. Paul immediately offered to till up every inch of their small property and turn it into a flower farm! They had never thought of owning our own flower farm, but once they began thinking about it, a concrete plan began to form... they were going to be flower farmers!
In their 4th growing season Jenny and Paul were finally able to employ Paul full time on the farm, along with several other wonderful individuals who made up their first real team! This team allowed Wind Haven Farm to provide thousands of blooms to their customers all season consistently week after week, season after season.
They decided to move their farm to King William in the dreaded 2020 and were in the midst of building their barn when the world stopped. To say that time was difficult for them and every person on the planet is an understatement. Through it all, Jenny and Paul realized that people were craving the beauty of flowers and wanted to support local businesses more than ever.
Wind Haven Farm survived the pandemic and the move to King William. Now they are grateful to be living and working on the land where Jenny was raised.
Our Philosophy
"This we know. The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. We did not weave the web of life, We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."~ Chief Seattle

Our Approach
SUSTAINABLE: of, relating to, or
being a method of harvesting or
using a resource so that the
resource is not depleted or
permanently damaged.
Here at Wind Haven we have always had sustainability in mind. We are not organically certified but follow organic practices. We have made a commitment to this land, and all its inhabitants. We intend to keep our little patch of this earth healthy in an ever-changing environment. We feel we have to be the change, in order to change the world.
Our Clients
We have sold our flowers in many different ways, and for now, have settled on wholesale to local florists, grocers, and other small businesses and boutiques.
If you are interested in where to find our flowers follow us on Instagram and Facebook @windhavenfarmflowers, or drop us a line in the contact us page and we will send you a list of where you can purchase our flowers through other local businesses.
Stay tuned, we may reach out again soon to offer new ways to purchase our flowers!